80/20 Blogging EBOOK

The Game-Changing Secret to Online Success

Are you tired of pouring hours into your blog, yet feeling like you’re stuck on a hamster wheel, barely making a dent in your goals?

Does your to do list seem never-ending, while your blog’s growth crawls at a snail’s pace?

Are you feeling frustrated that your bank balance doesn’t reflect how hard you’ve worked your blog?

(Not to mention all the blood, sweat and tears you’ve put in!)

If so, have some bad news for you.

Because the truth is that, unless you do something radically different, your situation is unlikely to radically change.

If you continue to work in the same way as you do now, your to do list will just keep getting longer, you will continue to feel like you are on a perpetual hamster wheel, your blog will keep growing painfully slowly, and your goals will continue to feel as far away as ever.

But what if I told you there is a way to BREAK FREE from the overwhelm, frustration and stress of that perpetual hamster wheel?

What if I told you that there is a way to achieve significantly better results, WITHOUT working harder?

What if I told you that the secret to hitting – and then smashing right through – your goals was actually to work LESS?

Welcome to the world of 80/20 BLOGGING

This game-changing principle is about to revolutionize the way you approach your online business… and potentially your entire life!

>> Imagine spending considerably less time working on your blog… but earning significantly more.

>> Imagine having more free time… and the kind of income that allows you to really enjoy that free time.

>> Imagine being able to take regular days and weeks off… but never having to worry about how that might affect your income.

>> Imagine working part-time hours on your blog… but earning a more than full-time income – the kind of income that has your friends and family desperately pumping you for information on how they can make such great money, while working the kind hours you do now.

That's the power of the 80/20 rule

But here's the crazy thing...

Most bloggers do the exact opposite to the 80/20 rule.

Instead of focusing on the 20% activities that will make the biggest difference to their bottom line, most bloggers focus on the 80% activities that barely move the dial.

But why on earth would they do that???

As I explain in 80/20 BLOGGING, there are 4 key reasons for this...

  1. They’ve never identified their 20% tasks
  2. They’ve never made a plan for exactly WHEN they will do their 20% tasks
  3. 80% tasks ‘seem’ more urgent and/or fun
  4. They don’t prioritize their 20% activities on a day to day basis

Each chapter in 80/20 BLOGGING is dedicated to solving these problems...

  • You'll learn how to identify your 20% tasks - the High Impact Tasks that will make the biggest difference to your bottom line
  • You'll learn how to plan in your 20% tasks so that they actually get done
  • You'll learn how to identify and minimize your 80% tasks - those Low Impact Tasks that barely move the dial
  • And you'll learn how to radically reorganize your blogging time so those game-changing 20% tasks don't fall off the bottom of the to do list each day

So what are you waiting for?

Hit that BUY NOW button and start your journey towards more money in your pocket, a better work/life balance and a more sustainable blogging business TODAY!

Get started now!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is this a course or a book?
80/20 BLOGGING is an EBOOK, which comes as a PDF DOWNLOAD.
2. Will I get a physical copy of the book?
No - this is an ebook. But you can print it off if you want to!
3. How can I get access to this ebook?
Once you've paid for the ebook, you'll get instant access to the PDF file. Simply download your copy and save it to your computer, tablet or phone!
4. Are there refunds available?
Unfortunately, no. Due to the downloadable nature of this product, there aren't any refunds. All sales are final.
5. Is there any support?
When you purchase 80/20 BLOGGING, you'll get a special invite to join my exclusive student-only group: the Productive Blogging Inner Circle, where you can ask questions, share tips, chat with like-minded bloggers and celebrate successes!

Your Instructor

Eb Gargano
Eb Gargano

Eb Gargano is a professional blogger who blogs at easypeasyfoodie.com and productiveblogging.com.

Drawing on her business and marketing background, she has turned blogging into a successful career. Known as ‘the organized blogger’ in blogging circles, she is passionate about sharing her business, blogging and productivity tips and seeing bloggers turn their blogs into successful businesses, without burning out.

She lives in Sussex, in the UK, with her husband and two children (aged 14 and 16), and when not blogging, she can be found lifting weights in the gym, learning Spanish on Duolingo, or curled up on the sofa with a good book. Learn more about Eb >>

Get started now!

Results mentioned are not typical. Whilst I would love to guarantee you stratospheric levels of income and a highly enviable work/life balance as a result of following my advice, that is unfortunately not under my control. I have personally achieved greater levels of productivity, financial success and personal satisfaction as a result of doing all the things I share in this ebook, as have many other bloggers and online business owners who have followed my business and productivity advice and taken my courses. However, with the best will in the world, I cannot and do not promise you any specific increase in productivity, financial success or happiness as a result of following the advice given in this ebook.