Do you look at your Google Analytics through one eye, for fear of what you might find there?

Are you sick and tired of that stomach drop feeling when Google announces YET ANOTHER algorithm update?

Does every new curveball leave you feeling like you want to cut your losses and throw in the towel?

If so, you are not alone. Making money online has become harder, more competitive, less passive and less reliable over the last few years.

And threats from AI, increasingly tough competition and often pretty brutal Google updates mean the SEO+Ads business model is becoming ever more precarious and ever harder to win at.

But what if there was an alternative?

What if it was possible to make good money online without living in fear of the next Google update?

What if it was possible to completely stop worrying about 'traffic'?

What if it was possible to focus the majority of your time and efforts on the things that light you up, on serving your people and on building an audience of raving fans?

What if it was possible to get back to those days when you looked forward to hitting the keyboard to share your passions every day?

Well, it is!



DPSA is for you if you want to...

👉 Earn more from the traffic you already have: Digital product RPMs are considerably better than RPMs from ads, affiliates and sponsored posts. (According to recent research*, bloggers who monetize mainly via digital products are earning ON AVERAGE an RPM of $365.94!)

👉 Stop worrying about whether you'll be wiped out in the next Google algorithm update: Because you don’t need those crazy-high pageviews, selling digital products makes you A LOT less dependent on Google.

👉 Be ahead of the curve: If future Google updates are bad for bloggers, guess what every blogger will be doing to try and get back the income they have lost? Get ahead of the curve by starting NOW!

👉 Have a less precarious business: If you get the majority of your traffic from Google and the majority of your income from ads, you don't need me to tell you that is a very precarious place to be! Diversifying into digital products reduces risk and increases income - so it's a win-win!

👉 Have a lot of fun along the way: Join a community of like-minded bloggers and online business owners who are all working towards the same goal!

Zerrin Gunaydin

It feels like Eb's done all the tedious planning for me!

"As a food blogger who's put off digital product marketing for a long time, I find Eb's DPSA incredibly useful.

It feels like she's done all the tedious planning for me—from starting out, to what's needed, and how to reach my goals.

I also really enjoy the DPSA Facebook community. It's a fantastic place to ask questions. Eb answers each one personally and provides valuable feedback and ideas. You can really tell she has a background in teaching."

Zerrin Gunaydin, Give Recipe

Allie Peterson

An amazing, easy-to-follow program that has really motivated me!

"Eb has created an amazing, easy-to-follow program that has really motivated me to create an excellent digital product for my audience.

I love how it's broken into daily tasks that are easy to add to my daily workflow.

She seems very knowledgeable on the topic and it really shines through in this program so far."

Allie Peterson, Naturallie Plant-Based

But Digital Product Success Academy is no ordinary membership...

Digital Product Success Academy is A STEP-BY-STEP ROADMAP from where you are now, to where you want to be...

...the owner of a successful digital product business!

Along the way, we'll cover...

  • Email marketing
  • Digital product specific SEO strategies
  • Nurturing new leads into red hot buyers
  • Market research
  • Picking the right topic and format
  • Lead magnets
  • Product creation
  • Launch strategies
  • Building high converting sales pages
  • Tripwires
  • Building evergreen sales funnels
  • Getting glowing testimonials
  • Word of mouth marketing
  • Launching your own affiliate program
  • Building authority
  • Running flash sales and Black Friday sales
  • Running beta launches
  • And much more!

That’s a lot of moving parts!

But the good news is – you don’t have to worry about all those moving parts...

Because I’ve done all the hard work for you and come up with the perfect step-by-step plan for you to follow – the Digital Product Success Roadmap!

The Digital Product Success Roadmap will take you along the entire journey of building out all those moving parts of a successful digital product based business...


Join NOW and you'll pay just $39 per month for as long as your remain a member!

(The rate to NEW members will increase over time as more content is added to the membership.**)

DPSA Early Adopter



billed monthly

courses icon

22 courses

Join DPSA as an Early Adopter and get access to the roadmap, the core trainings, the challenges and the DPSA Community for just $39 per month for as long as you remain a member!

Susan Nilson

Everything is broken down into small, manageable segments...

"I love the fact that everything is broken down into small, manageable segments that you're accountable for each day, but at the same time there's the flexibility to work to your own schedule.

You don't have to plan ahead or overthink things, just show up and do the work.

I'm actually a little sad I'm going on vacation next week and won't be able to complete the first assignment in real time but am doubly motivated to catch up quickly when I get back!"

Susan Nilson, The Cat and Dog House

Michelle Dear-Moncrief

A hands-on, guided, and methodical approach...

"What I love about DPSA is that it is a hands-on, guided, and methodical approach to creating information products. Each step builds upon the previous one, and each task is small enough so there is no overwhelm.

Information is provided in multiple formats, which reduces confusion and fosters focus. The community is refreshingly helpful and supportive. If you are a fan of Getting Things Done, then you will love DPSA."

Michelle Dear-Moncrief, Makers Corner Crafts

But it gets better…

...because the Digital Product Success Roadmap is made up of individual challenges.

These challenges are focused on ONE main outcome. For example...

  • Building a high converting lead magnet
  • Writing an irresistible ebook
  • Creating a profitable tripwire offer
  • Creating and launching a mini course
  • Growing your own personal authority
  • Building out an evergreen sales funnel - so you make sales on autopilot!
  • Boosting your website traffic to get more warm leads into the top of your funnel
  • Launching your own affiliate program
  • Running a successful flash sale

This gives you a series of short and very motivating deadlines.

And a real sense of accomplishment… on a regular basis.

Which is a HUGE motivator!

Each time you achieve a challenge, you’ll know you are one step nearer your goal… you’ll get a huge sense of achievement, and you’ll be even more motivated to complete the next one.

Plus, if you do the work in the challenges, you’re going to start earning money pretty soon – and I don’t need to tell you that there’s nothing quite like seeing money land in your bank account to spur you on and motivate you to achieve even bigger and better things!


Join NOW and you'll pay just $39 per month for as long as your remain a member!

(The rate to NEW members will increase over time as more content is added to the membership.**)

DPSA Early Adopter



billed monthly

courses icon

22 courses

Join DPSA as an Early Adopter and get access to the roadmap, the core trainings, the challenges and the DPSA Community for just $39 per month for as long as you remain a member!

Angela Corrias

All the steps laid out...

"I've been wanting to sell my digital products for a while but I was always stuck not really knowing what I was doing.

Having all the steps laid out and following an actual day-by-day plan is helping me tremendously in focusing on the actual products.

Also having a dedicated group where Eb and the other members offer their feedback and support is proving very beneficial."

Angela Corrias, Rome Actually

But it gets EVEN BETTER…

Because at the very heart of this membership is the DPSA Community.

This is a dedicated community that is only open to Digital Product Success Academy members.

You’ll be able to bounce ideas off each other, encourage each other, ask questions, share ideas, ask for feedback and celebrate successes with others who really ‘get’ it.

This will not only provide support and motivation, but it will also help you achieve better results… and make the whole thing much more fun!

Lauren Woodger

There is so much support from Eb and the other members of the DPSA!

"With the information provided so far I feel much more confident that I can build a successful digital product side to my business.

The way Eb delivers the information is easy to understand and follow. There is so much support from Eb and the other members of the DPSA. I am loving it so far!"

Lauren Woodger, The Scatty Mum

Mariska Ramondino

A community of like-minded people to bounce ideas off!

"If you're looking to launch your next digital product, Digital Product Success Academy is for you.

It's not just about the easy-to-follow challenges on marketing strategy, and how to launch your product the right way.

It's also about a community of like-minded people to bounce ideas off and get feedback and help from. And I love that you get direct feedback from Eb as well."

Mariska Ramondino, My Chef's Apron

Plus, get these 3 Core Trainings...

These 3 Core Trainings will ensure your digital product business gets off to the best possible start!

👉 Understanding the T.E.M.P.T. Framework: Discover the 4 main reasons why most digital product businesses fail - and learn how to avoid these 4 big mistakes.

👉 The Product Ladder: Discover what a 'product ladder' is and why building one so crucial to your success.

👉 The Time Management, Productivity and Mindset Training: Learn about the 4 Success Amplifiers that will turbocharge your digital product business! Plus the 5 things you need to do to give yourself the best chance of success.

Who is the DPSA for?

I have designed this membership with 3 specific groups of people in mind...

✅ People who are currently earning the majority of their income from ads / affiliates / sponsored posts - and who want to diversify into digital products to make their business less risky and more lucrative.

✅ People who do not currently have the kind of pageviews that mean they can earn a full time income from other methods: The wonderful thing about digital products is that you can earn a decent full time income, even if you don’t have massive pageviews!

✅ Anyone who has tried to make money from digital products in the past and hasn’t been very successful: The DPSA will give you the training, tools and motivation, so this time round you will be much more successful!

Who is it NOT for?

But, I want to be super clear here. This membership is NOT for everyone.

DPSA is not for...

People with no website and no traffic: You’ll need to already have a website and some traffic – the roadmap won’t cover starting a blog, WordPress setup, basic SEO, or anything like the best host / theme / plugins etc. (However it WILL cover all the tech you need to build a successful digital products based business!)

People who want to get rich quick with no effort: You should be willing to put the work in. Building a digital product business is not a get rich quick scheme. Don’t get me wrong, you can make a lot of money from digital products, but you need to put the hard work in up front. (That said, I’ve tried to make this as ‘real life friendly’ as possible – to fit round other work, family commitments etc. Be prepared to budget around 5-10 hours a week for this.)

Anyone who already has a successful digital product based business: If you are already making a full time income selling digital products, this is definitely not right for you!


Join NOW and you'll pay just $39 per month for as long as your remain a member!

(The rate to NEW members will increase over time as more content is added to the membership.**)

DPSA Early Adopter



billed monthly

courses icon

22 courses

Join DPSA as an Early Adopter and get access to the roadmap, the core trainings, the challenges and the DPSA Community for just $39 per month for as long as you remain a member!

Cheryl Whyte

In just 5 days, I have made more progress with my digital product than I have in the past 3 years!

"The moment I learned about DPSA, I knew it would be the motivation I needed, and I've not been disappointed.

In just five days, I have made more progress with my digital product than I have in the past three years of trying to do it alone.

I love the roadmap style and the tasks being broken down into manageable steps that are easy to follow.

Plus, having Eb and the other members there to answer questions is an added bonus – the community is incredibly supportive."

Cheryl Whyte, The Real Food Geek

Mary St. Dennis

No getting sidetracked by the shiny object... And the support is awesome!

"Digital Product Success Academy is just what I need. A step-by-step plan to the final goal. No getting sidetracked by the shiny object. And the support is awesome!

As always, Eb has hit the ball out of the park."

Mary St. Dennis, Life is Just Ducky

But maybe you still have a few questions...

How long will the Early Adopter Rate be available for?

Right now a specific date for the next price rise has not been set. However, as I add more and more to the membership, the value will increase and so will the price. But if you join now, you lock in the price you pay today for as long as you remain a member... even if one day the membership is $99 per month!

How many challenges are currently unlocked?

Currently, Challenges 1-11 are unlocked. (Once a challenge has been unlocked, it stays unlocked.)

Do you have the 'unlock' dates of the other challenges?

I sure do! Here are the 'unlock' dates of the first 17 challenges...

Challenge 1: UNLOCKED

Challenge 2: UNLOCKED

Challenge 3: UNLOCKED

Challenge 4: UNLOCKED

Challenge 5: UNLOCKED

Challenge 6: UNLOCKED

Challenge 7: UNLOCKED

Challenge 8: UNLOCKED

Challenge 9: UNLOCKED

Challenge 10: UNLOCKED

Challenge 11: UNLOCKED

Challenge 12: 21st April 2025

Challenge 13: 2nd June 2025

Challenge 14: 30th June 2025

Challenge 15: 28th July 2025

Challenge 16: 25th August 2025

Challenge 17: 6th October 2025

What happens after that?

There will be more challenges! If you join as an Early Adopter you'll be involved in helping me decide what they are, as I'll be picking your brains to find out what you most need.

I am on vacation during one of the challenges, what should I do?

That's no problem! Once the challenge is unlocked, the challenge will remain unlocked, so you can catch up when you return from vacation. Bon voyage!

Why is the first challenge email marketing?

Email marketing is absolutely foundational to the success of a digital product based business. I would be doing you a massive disservice if I started with anything else!

In Challenge 1, you'll create a high-converting lead magnet, a thank you page and a New Subscriber Nurture Sequence, all designed to turn your casual website visitors into red hot leads who are positively falling over themselves to buy the first product you create in Challenge 2!

How much time do I need to give DPSA each week?

I have designed the DPSA so it can be done in as much or as little time as you have. While I recommend you spend around 5-10 hours per week on your DPSA assignments - you can absolutely go slower or faster, if you want to!

Will there be any additional costs?

Yes. Look, I'm not going to sugar coat it. It's impossible to run a successful digital product business without incurring some additional costs for things like a product hosting platform and countdown software. You may also decide you want to invest in things like professional design services, a better email marketing provide or even paid ads.

But don't worry, I won't be insisting you pay top dollar for a bunch of tools you don't need - I focus on helping you get just the tools you really need, and I help you avoid wasting your money on paying over the odds. Plus, the great thing about a digital product business is these things pay for themselves - usually many times over!

If I join DPSA now, am I tied in for a certain number of months?

Absolutely not! You can cancel at any time and your membership will end after the period you have paid for.

What happens if I cancel?

You will keep access to the DPSA until the end of the period you paid for. After that you will lose access to the membership dashboard, the roadmap, all the challenges and the DPSA Community.

If I cancel, can I re-join again in the future?

Absolutely! You can re-join at any time, but just bear in mind that, when you re-join, you'll pay whatever the current new member rate is at that time.

Will I receive any one-on-one coaching or support?

While the DPSA does not include any one-on-one coaching (I would have to charge a lot more for DPSA if it did!), as a DPSA member you will have access to the private members-only support group - The DPSA Community - where you can ask questions, share successes, and connect with other like-minded online business owners.

I’m in the group most days to offer guidance and support on all aspects of the membership: answering your questions, giving feedback on your assignments, sharing additional tips and strategies, and celebrating your wins 🥳🥳

Or maybe you are just wondering - who on earth are you?

Hi - I'm Eb Gargano!

I am the blogger behind and, the author of 5 ebooks, and the creator of 7 digital courses and 1 membership - the DPSA!

It takes quite a unique blend of skills to run a successful digital product business: market research, curriculum design, teaching, marketing, building sales funnels, SEO, converting your traffic into red hot leads with high converting lead magnets and new subscriber nurture sequences... and more!

Not many people can do half those things, let alone all of them.

But thanks to my rather unusual background in both marketing and teaching, followed by my 9+ years blogging and SEO experience and my 5+ years experience building my own digital product business, I actually can!

I've spent the last 5 years building my own successful product business, and now I want to help you build yours!

Why I created this membership...

I’ve been in this business for over 9 years, and in that time I’ve observed 4 important things…

1️⃣ Competition is increasingly fierce: I remember back to 2015 – almost no one in the blogging world was ‘doing SEO’ and it was insanely easy to rank on Google compared to now. Then, in around 2017/2018, bloggers began to realise that if they learned SEO, they could dramatically increase their traffic and then monetize that with ads – and make a killing.

But of course the SEO+Ads model of blogging became a victim of its own success. There was so much money to be made… and then Covid hit and a lot of people suddenly had a lot of time on their hands, and… you know the rest of the story!

Competition in 2025 is crazy fierce, and now people can use AI to dramatically speed up the blog writing process, it’s getting even worse. As a result, it’s getting harder and harder for bloggers to rank on Google and get the kind of traffic that will deliver a decent income from ads.

2️⃣ Ads are the worst way to make money: This was something I first noticed on my own blogs. But then I started the Blogging Income Survey* back in 2022 and it has consistently shown that ad RPMs are the worst out of all the different ways you can make money with a blog.

And, of course, it makes total sense. People only advertise on websites if they can make more money selling their products than they pay to advertise them.

So, long story short, if you are advertising other people’s products on your website, other people are making a lot more money from your traffic than you are!

So why not cut out the middle man and sell your own products?

Source: The Blogging Income Survey 2024*

3️⃣ Most bloggers are 1 shock away from disaster: This is the big one. Anyone who depends on Google traffic for the majority of their traffic and ads for the majority of their income is just one 1 shock away from disaster: AI, HCU, a Google Core algorithm update, a stock market crash – take your pick. If you monetize via ads, any one of these could wipe out your income in the blink of an eye.

Anyone who knows me, knows I care. I really care. I don’t want to see bloggers go bankrupt. I don’t want to see bloggers have to go back to 9-5 jobs they hate. I don’t want to see bloggers lose everything they’ve worked so hard to build…

And I strongly believe that the best way to protect your income and build a more sustainable, more profitable, more enjoyable business is to diversify into digital products.

Digital products have much better RPMs than ads, meaning you don’t need to rely on crazy high volumes of Google traffic to build a successful business.

4️⃣ Most bloggers don’t understand digital products: Unfortunately, I have also seen another trend over the years – most bloggers seriously underestimate what is involved in a successful digital product business.

You can’t just throw together a quick ebook, advertise it on your website and wait for the money to start rolling in!

You need to do market research, create a product your audience is actually willing to pay for, build a high converting sales page, launch your product properly, build an evergreen sales funnel, do digital product specific SEO, grow your own personal authority, harness the power of customer advocacy and convert your traffic into red hot leads with high converting lead magnets and new subscriber nurture sequences.

But that's a lot of moving parts! And it can be totally overwhelming when you are just starting out. I wanted to take away all that overwhelm and provide a step-by-step roadmap to digital product success.

And that's why I created the DPSA!

"The idea is that you let me worry about all of the moving parts, and you just focus on following the next step on the roadmap, knowing I’ve got everything planned and happening at exactly the right time."

So, just to recap... If you join as an Early Adopter, you get:

👉 The Digital Product Success Roadmap: A step-by step-plan from where you are today to where you want to be - the owner of a successful digital product business!
WORTH: $197

👉 The Challenges: The roadmap is divided into a series of short challenges - right now there are 11 unlocked challenges in the DPSA dashboard, and 6 more planned and ready to go on their unlock date... but I'll be adding even more in the future! Each challenge is worth AT LEAST $97.
WORTH: $2364+

👉 The 3 Core Trainings: Before you start the roadmap, there are 3 core training videos to watch: Understanding The T.E.M.P.T Framework, The Product Ladder Training and The Time Management, Productivity and Mindset Training. These 3 trainings will ensure your digital product business gets off to the best possible start!
WORTH: $197

👉 The DPSA Community: A dedicated community that is only open to Digital Product Success Academy members, where you'll be able to bounce ideas off other members, get encouragement and accountability, ask questions, share ideas, ask for feedback and celebrate successes with others who really ‘get’ it.
WORTH: $397

👉 Access to me! I'll be in the DPSA Community most days to answer your questions, give you feedback on your assignments and help you out if you get into technical pickle... but most of all, I'll be your biggest cheerleader - expect gifs and emojis galore from me every time you share your wins, big or small!
WORTH: Priceless 😉

TOTAL: $3155+

All for just $39 per month!

(As I add more and more to the membership, the value will increase and so will the price. But if you join now, you lock in that $39 price for as long as you remain a member... even if one day the membership is $99 per month to new members!)


Join NOW and you'll pay just $39 per month for as long as your remain a member!

(The rate to NEW members will increase over time as more content is added to the membership.**)

DPSA Early Adopter



billed monthly

courses icon

22 courses

Join DPSA as an Early Adopter and get access to the roadmap, the core trainings, the challenges and the DPSA Community for just $39 per month for as long as you remain a member!

**No guarantees disclaimer** Results mentioned are not typical. Whilst I would love to guarantee you stratospheric levels of financial success as a result of following my advice in the Digital Product Success Academy, that is unfortunately not under my control. I have personally achieved greater levels of financial success as a result of doing all the things I share in this membership, as have many other bloggers who have followed my business and productivity advice and taken my courses. However, with the best will in the world, I cannot and do not promise you any specific increase in financial success as a result of following the advice given in this membership.

*source: The Blogging Income Survey 2024

**As I add more and more to the membership, the value will increase and so will the price. But if you join now, you lock in that $39 per month price for as long as you remain a member... even if one day the membership is $99 per month!

If you leave the membership and re-join at a later date, you'll no longer be eligible for the Early Adopter rate of $39 and you'll pay whatever the standard membership price is at that time.