Profitable Blogging Jumpstart

A step by step plan to help you START and GROW a PROFITABLE blog the RIGHT WAY!

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Do you want to work the hours YOU want to work? Have a job you truly ENJOY? Even LOOK FORWARD to starting work each morning?

Then Profitable Blogging Jumpstart is for you!

Starting a blog is an AMAZING low risk, low cost way to start a potentially incredibly profitable AND flexible small business.

You can start small, working the hours you have available and investing as much or as little money as you have right now...

But done right, you can reap BIG rewards!

In Profitable Blogging Jumpstart, I show you how to start a blog the RIGHT way, how to grow your new blog FAST and, most importantly, how to get your blog to a position where it can start making money ASAP!!

Hi - I'm Eb. When I started my first blog, back in 2015, I had NO IDEA that my little piece of the internet would turn into such a successful and PROFITABLE business.

I now have TWO BLOGS and a fully fledged business I'm proud of. I love that I am the BOSS and I call all the shots. I love that I get to work the HOURS I want to work - hours that are flexible and that fit round my family.

I love that I can choose which projects to work on and decide for myself how I spend my time. I really LOVE what I do - and I genuinely LOOK FORWARD to starting work every single day.

And, of course, I LOVE that I earn GOOD MONEY from my blogs every month! Money that goes directly into my pocket - not into the pockets of a big corporation!

But I'll be honest with you. I made A LOT of MISTAKES when I first started out. And it took WAY longer to start earning money than it should've done. If I knew then what I know now I could've saved myself so much time and energy and started earning good money MUCH SOONER!

PROFITABLE BLOGGING JUMPSTART is the course I wish I could've taken back then.

I have poured into this course everything I've learned since I started blogging, so YOU don't have to make all the mistakes I did, so YOU don't have to waste YOUR time and money and so YOUR BLOG can start earning YOU money ASAP!

Get started now!

"Thanks to Eb's invaluable advice and support, I was able to quit my retail job and make blogging my full time career."

- Nicola Thompson,

"Without Eb, I wouldn't have a blog. I wouldn't have even known that blogging was a viable money making opportunity. I wouldn't have known where to start and I certainly wouldn't have myself a fully formed professional blog which I am confident is doing all the right things to be a favourite of the SEO gods in time. As a result of Eb's guidance, I am confident that my blog is fully secured, the set-up is properly optimized and that if things change (and they will), I'll get all the help I need in implementing those changes."

- Chloe Edges,


PROFITABLE BLOGGING JUMPSTART is packed full of help and advice to get your new blog off to a flying start.

Here's a sneak peep of what's inside...

  • The planning and prep you need to do BEFORE you start your blog
  • How to choose a good NAME for your blog (and the pitfalls to avoid!)
  • How to choose the right HOST for your blog
  • STEP BY STEP instructions for how to set up a brand new blog from scratch, including screengrabs AND a video tutorial (I literally set up a brand new blog myself in the video... and show you every step!)
  • Exactly how to install and set up a new THEME on your blog (a theme is like the design template for your blog - it affects the whole look and feel of your blog, as well lots of the functionality - I'll show you how to choose a good theme too!)
  • Exactly which PLUGINS to choose and how to install and update plugins
  • How to set up your CATEGORIES, MENUS and SIDEBAR
  • How to write your ABOUT ME, CONTACT ME and PRIVACY POLICY pages

So many 'start a blog' courses stop at that point and leave you to figure out the rest for yourself, but not in my new course! After that you'll go on to learn...

  • How to CHOOSE blog post topics your readers actually want to read
  • How to write the PERFECT blog post
  • How to avoid writer's block
  • How to PROMOTE your blog posts on social media
  • How to get search engines to LOVE you
  • How to get subscribers and grow your email list
  • What to send to your subscribers
  • The best way to start making MONEY as a new blogger
  • How to lay down good foundations so your blog starts making really good money as soon as possible
  • The 3 BIG things you need to focus on to make your blog profitable in the LONG TERM

Finally, in the last module of the course, I will give you help to plan the next 12 months (and beyond). I will show you how to keep building on the strong foundations you have laid over the previous 10 weeks and how to set things up for your blog to start making money consistently every month, as well as the 5 key ways to grow your blogging income over the coming months and years.

AND you'll get my very special bonus - a 12 MONTH BLOG PLAN, giving you all the steps and strategies you need to take to make your blog a successful and profitable one in the months (and years!) after you've completed the course.

AND you'll get a special invite to join my exclusive student-only group: the Productive Blogging Inner Circle, where you can ask questions, request feedback and celebrate successes!


"Blogging isn't what you think it's going to be. You can't simply write things on the internet and expect people to find you. Those days are GONE! Eb Gargano's courses take the confusion away from all of the jargon you'll read if you go looking for information on your own. She has everything you need in one convenient location in her courses and is committed to helping you take the appropriate steps to be productive and lucrative in the ever-changing blogging world! Save yourself time and money by registering with her today. Your future revenue checks will thank you for it!"

- Jennifer Baker,

"I'm making my way through your Profitable Blogging Jumpstart course and lovin' it so far - the step-by-step instructions are awesome and make the whole process very manageable. Great work putting the course together!"

- Andrei Serykh,

Course Curriculum

Get started now!

"I can't speak highly enough about Eb's training. Having just completed the SEO Jumpstart course, I can only say that it was a game-changer. Within less than 2 months, traffic to my web-site has more than QUADRUPLED. The course is well laid out, with easy to follow modules, written in perfectly understandable plain language. There's no hidden agenda in these courses, just a genuine desire to help people succeed. In addition, Eb takes a personal interest in all her students and provides excellent follow-up advice and assistance."

- Veronica Jerling,

"Eb Gargano and Productive Blogging have been the single biggest influencing factor in my blog qualifying for Mediavine."

- Jenny Brotherton,

"Eb’s advice and being in her Productive Blogging Community Facebook group has helped me to see my blog’s potential and undo my mistakes in setting it up quickly and easily with no real issues at all! I’ve never had a bad piece of advice from Eb and wish I’d taken a course like this to save myself time fixing mistakes later on. I’m taking her SEO Jumpstart course at the moment and I’ve started seeing results before even finishing!"

- Hannah Bullard,

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

Your Instructor

Eb Gargano
Eb Gargano

Eb Gargano is a professional blogger who blogs at and

Drawing on her business and marketing background, she has turned blogging into a successful career. Known as ‘the organized blogger’ in blogging circles, she is passionate about sharing her business, blogging and productivity tips and seeing bloggers turn their blogs into successful businesses, without burning out.

She lives in Sussex, in the UK, with her husband and two children (aged 14 and 15), and when not blogging, she can be found cycling through the beautiful Sussex countryside with her family or curled up on the sofa with a good book. Learn more about Eb >>


"Consistently following Eb's advice has let me grow my blog to the page views needed to join an ad agency. I'm finally making an income from my blog and I have Eb to thank for it!"

- Mandy Mazliah,

"I've read a lot of how tos about blogging. But none of them were as generous as Eb's articles. And she lays it out in very simple terms that newbies can really understand. I'm glad I found her."

- Wendy Lemeric,

"Eb has an incredible way of breaking down technical jargon to bite sized, fully explained manageable pieces to allow you to understand and learn each element in your own time. Without her input and knowledge, not to mention her SEO Jumpstart course and Productive Blogging LIVE sessions we wouldn’t have been able to increase our sessions per month by a whopping 775% in Q4 2019 from Q4 in 2018. Just incredible! She also encouraged us through her Productive Blogging Community Facebook group and that gave us the focus we needed. Would highly recommend any of her courses."

- Michelle Rolfe & Lesley Garden,

**No guarantees disclaimer** There are obviously no guarantees in blogging and in business… How much you will earn from your blog depends on you – the niche you choose, the quality of the blog posts you write, how hard you work and a thousand other variables. I cannot – and do not – promise you any specific level of income.