Welcome to Profitable Productivity!
Today is a very exciting day, because today is the day you have taken the first step towards dramatically changing your business... and your life!
Productivity is the key that unlocks EVERYTHING.
But I wonder if you are also feeling a little sceptical or apprehensive?
Because I am willing to bet that this is probably NOT the first productivity resource you've ever bought...
I imagine you've probably bought productivity books and/or courses before... and you've probably been HERE before... You've been at this point of just starting... super excited because you just know that THIS TIME is going to be different, THIS book or course or hack is THE ONE that's going to make you more productive and more successful... only to be disappointed YET AGAIN when that resource just doesn't live up to the hype.
Here's the thing... there are 4 big problems with most of the productivity advice out there.
The first is... it's not 'productivity' in its truest sense... most of the so-called 'productivity' advice out there is really 'efficiency' advice and 'time management' advice... It will tell you how to work faster and more efficiently, but none of that helps if you are not doing the right things in the first place... all it achieves is helping you get quicker and more efficient at doing the WRONG things.
The second is... so much of the productivity advice out there tends to just be a jumble of random hacks, tips and techniques... but they give you very little support in how to actually apply those tips in a systematic way to your life. You end up feeling like you have MORE to do, not less!
The third is, that so much of the productivity advice out there assumes everyone is the same - and gives cookie cutter, 'one size fits all' strategies.
And finally most productivity advice is not given with the specific needs of bloggers and online business owners in mind.
So how is Profitable Productivity different?
True productivity
Well firstly Profitable Productivity is all about TRUE PRODUCTIVITY - not just a bunch of efficiency tips. We start right at the beginning, assessing WHAT you are doing and making sure you are actually doing the RIGHT things with your time. We take into account your unique reasons for doing what you do to figure out your 'ends' goals, then - using a simple but powerful system - we figure out how to work that right back to your daily to do list... so that what you do on a day to day basis actually aligns with your goals and your personal definition of success.
And it's not productivity for productivity's sake, either, it's productivity techniques and strategies specifically designed to make your business more profitable!
A complete productivity system
Secondly, Profitable Productivity is a complete productivity system. It's a step-by-step process that takes you from where you are now to where you want to be - a highly productive person with a much better work/life balance and a much more profitable business.
Not 'one size fits all'
Another way that Profitable Productivity is different is it's not a 'one size fits all' approach... We are all unique individuals, with unique personalities, unique businesses, unique goals and unique definitions of success. And Profitable Productivity takes that into account. I don't tell you 'this is what you need to do', but rather I give you the tools and techniques to make those decisions for yourself. But with a step by step approach that means you are totally guided every step of the way.
Designed with the specific needs of bloggers and online business owners in mind
Most productivity advice out there is designed for people with more 'normal' jobs / office jobs / 9-5 jobs - employees in someone else's business... or else they are designed for more 'traditional' entrepreneurs, or CEOs of big companies...
So much of that advice just doesn't 'work' for bloggers and solopreneurs... or else it needs a lot of adaptation... Worse still, lots of really important techniques and strategies for online business owners just don't get mentioned.
Profitable Productivity is completely different. I've been a blogger and an online business owner since 2015. I know EXACTLY what works for online business owners and what doesn't. I've done all the adaptation, so you don't have to... and I've included all the bits that other productivity resources miss out.
What you need to do...
1) Commit to actually doing this course
I know I am about to state the bloomin' obvious here, but it's really important to point out that just simply owning this course won't magically make you more productive, nor will it make your business more profitable. If you want to get RESULTS from this course, you need to actually do the work! That means watching all the videos, reading all the support material AND doing all the assignments. This is not a course that can be done half heartedly. You'll only see the benefit if you do it ALL!
2) Make doing this course your #1 priority
Later in the course I'll be talking about your 'highest impact tasks' and how true productivity only happens when you prioritize your highest impact tasks. All you need to know right now is that DOING THIS COURSE is your highest impact task at the moment and should be your #1 priority for the next 2-4 weeks (depending on how long it takes you to get through the material and implement the strategies). That means spending time working through this course should be the FIRST thing you do each day... not the last... not something you allow to fall off the 'to do' list... not something you put off until you have 'enough time'. In fact, you should do the exact opposite of that... As much as you can, put your other tasks and activities on hold until you have completed this course.
3) Do this course IN ORDER
I can't stress this one enough... this course WILL NOT WORK if you jump about and dip in and out. It has been created in a specific order to maximize your results and get you results in the shortest possible amount of time. So do the course in order... and don't move on until you've gone through the material in each unit AND done the assignment.
And finally... harness the power of shiny object syndrome!
You'll hear a lot about 'shiny object syndrome' in this course. Now, usually shiny object syndrome is a bad thing... but not always. Sometimes you can actually harness the power of shiny object syndrome for good... and now is one of those times.
Right now, when you have just bought this course and just got started, THIS COURSE is your new shiny object... You're probably feeling excited, hopeful, and full of motivation, energy and enthusiasm. Use that, harness that, take advantage of that, because I guarantee it will not last forever. If you make a good start on this course now... and continue to make this course your top priority for the next 2-4 weeks, you can keep that motivation and enthusiasm up... But if you allow other work to be your priority, if you ignore this course for several days... or weeks, your motivation and enthusiasm will fade and this course will seem more and more like a chore!
So... don't do that. Harness the power of shiny object syndrome and make this course your top priority for the next 2-4 weeks... and it might just change your life!
Ready to get started? Hit 'COMPLETE AND CONTINUE' to get to the next unit!