Unit 2 - Your REAL Problem (It's not what you think!)
Most bloggers and online entrepreneurs that I come across think their main problem is TIME. They say things like:
'If only I had more time, I'd be more successful'
'The biggest thing holding me back is TIME!'
'If only there were more hours in the day - I could achieve so much more!'
Sound familiar?
But here's the thing...
If I had the power to give you an extra day per week, do you REALLY think you'd be more successful?
One of my favourite productivity truisms is Parkinson's Law. Parkinson's Law states that:
'Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.'
If I gave you an extra day per week, most likely the work you are already doing would expand to fill that eighth day... So instead of making you more successful, you'd just achieve the same amount of success... but by working EVEN MORE!
Conversely, there's a good chance that if I waved my magic wand and cut your week in half, you'd also continue to achieve roughly the same amount of success... but by working MUCH LESS!
The truth is, TIME is not your real problem - your REAL problem is what you DO with the time you do have.
We blame time, because it's something 'out there', something we can shrug our shoulders at and say 'it's out of my control'.
We do that because otherwise we'd have to admit it's our 'fault' - something we do have control over.
Now, I'm not here to point the finger and make you feel bad... what I actually want to do is tell you something really exciting...
Let's flip the narrative. If your real problem WAS time, then it's true - there's nothing you can do about that. We all only have 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week...
But if your real problem is NOT time. If your real problem is what you DO with that time... then you CAN do something about it. And that's an exciting thought... You can take that time you already have and make it work harder.
Note I said make IT work harder... make your TIME work harder.
This course is not about YOU working harder. This course is about making YOUR TIME work harder for you.
In fact, it's about ACHIEVING MORE by DOING LESS. My aim is that, by the time you've finished this course and implemented the whole system, you should be working fewer hours, but achieving A LOT MORE with each hour. And seeing real results - actual tangible results.
But to do that you need to be willing to do 3 things:
1) Accept that you don't need more time, you need the time that you do have to work harder for you.
2) Be willing to change. Let's face it, you are here because you want to be more productive and earn more money. If you were perfectly productive, with a perfect work/life balance and earning more than enough money from your business, you wouldn't have bought this course. Time for some tough love here... You won't get anything out of this course if you are not willing to change!
3) Give the techniques and strategies I teach in this course a fair chance. When you really delve into productivity - I mean really delve into the SCIENCE of productivity - A LOT of it is counter-intuitive... Be willing to suspend your own natural scepticism and give everything I teach a chance - even if you are utterly convinced it won't work for you. As humans, we naturally resist change... but how often have you resisted a certain change over and over again, only to FINALLY make that change and then think afterwards... 'oh this is so much better - why didn't I do this way sooner?' As you go through this course material, you will naturally feel, from time to time, a little resistance, because - consciously or unconsciously - you are resisting change. When you do, remind yourself that you promised yourself that you'd give everything a 'chance'. Once you've given everything a fair chance - and only then - you can evaluate all the techniques and adapt them to suit you better, if necessary... But you won't know whether the techniques and strategies will work for you unless you give them a fair go!
Remember - the aim of this course is to get you ACHIEVING MORE by DOING LESS... and you should see actual tangible results from doing this course... in terms of lower stress levels, a better work/life balance... and more money in your pocket.
If that's true, surely it's worth giving this a proper chance?
Make a commitment to yourself to do those 3 things:
1) Accept that you don't need more time, you need the time that you do have to work harder for you.
2) Be willing to change.
3) Give the techniques and strategies I teach in this course a fair chance.
Ideally write this commitment down somewhere. (Studies have shown that by writing a commitment down, you are twice as likely to actually do it!)