Unit 5: Prerequisites

I want to make this course as accessible as possible and because of that, there are very few, prerequisites to doing this course. There is certainly no need to understand anything at all about email marketing right now. This course assumes NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE.

However, there are two things you WILL NEED:

  • A blog with some content
  • A willingness to commit to this course and see it through

A blog with some content

This course is absolutely fine to take whether you are a brand-new blogger or you’ve been blogging for years. However, you do need to have a blog! I guess you could do all the lessons without having a blog yet, but it will make much more sense if you actually start your blog first – even if you only publish a few blog posts!

If you don’t yet have a blog, you can follow this free tutorial on my blog which takes you step by step through your first few weeks of blogging. When you’ve done that, then come back and start this course.

A willingness to commit to this course and see it through

This really is important. If you want to see results from email marketing you need to really commit. It's not enough to just read the lessons or flick around the course doing only the bits that really interest you. If you want to see results from this course you need to set aside enough time to do properly it, go through each lesson in the order they are written - I have written them in that order for a reason! AND, this is the biggie... you need to DO THE ACTION STEPS before moving on to the next unit. This course will not work if you don't do the action steps.

Now here's a bunch of stuff you DON'T need to be able to do this course and see results:

  • Pots of money to spend on fancy schmancy tools
  • An existing email list (though great if you do as that will give you a head start!)
  • A computer science degree (!)
  • A dictionary of complicated email marketing jargon (I explain everything in normal person English)
  • A product or service to sell (though, again, great if you do - that will help you earn money from your list faster!)
  • Amazing design skills (You can make high-converting opt-ins, landing pages and forms with pretty much ZERO design skills)
  • A lawyer on speed dial (Yes there are some legal issues you need to be aware of, but I'll explain those in this course!)

Complete and Continue